Emotional Intelligence - Your Key to Success
"Success in the knowledge economy comes to those who know themselves - their strengths, their values, and how they best perform."
[Peter Drucker, father of modern management]
What Drucker described in that quote is the essence of emotional intelligence. Another management guru, Warren Bennis, concluded “Emotional intelligence, more than any other factor, more than I.Q. or expertise, accounts for 85% to 90% of success at work."
What does this mean for you and your journey as a manager or leader? The beauty of emotional intelligence is that it can be grown. This coaching package includes an online emotional intelligence assessment and a comprehensive report detailing how you compare to your peer group and recommending specific strategies for addressing any identified areas for improvement.
In addition to your confidential report, you will also benefit from a one-hour coaching debrief with an EQ-i 2.0 certified coach.
EQ-i 2.0 Workplace Report
Designed for use in a wide variety of coaching and development situations and work settings. It focuses on the impact of emotional intelligence at work and offers suggestions for working more effectively with colleagues, supervisors, and clients.
Key Features Include:
- A total EI score with five composite scores measuring distinct aspects of emotional and social functioning
- Insights into your workplace performance (conflict resolution, change management, teamwork, decision making and more) with strategies customized based on your individual results
- A Well-Being Indicator to measure your level of happiness; resulting in additional developmental opportunities
- Clear instructions, interpretation guidelines and results-driven content setting you up for success
Emotional Intelligence Assessment
EQ-i 2.0 Online Assessment and one-hour coaching debrief
Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to a distinct combination of emotional and social skills and competencies that influence our overall capability to cope effectively with the demands and pressures of work and life. In preparation for our time together, I would like you to complete an online emotional intelligence assessment instrument, the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i). Incorporating more than 20 years’ research and development, the EQ-i is a psychometrically sound, validated assessment instrument that is applied to EI assessment and development at individual, team, and organisational levels. The EQ-i is one of the most respected and recognised EI assessment instruments worldwide and it will provide us with a robust and intuitive framework to address questions related to leadership.
Your assessment answers and results will be held in the strictest confidence. Your report will be made available to you and I am the only person who will see your results or be able to access to them. Following your assessment, you will be invited to book a one-on-one feedback and coaching conversation with me about your results. These conversations will be scheduled for one hour and just like your results, these conversations will be completely confidential.
In order for the results to reflect your behaviours and feelings as accurately as possible and for you to get the most out of this assessment process and course, please take approximately 20 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete the instrument. As we will discuss, EI involves the most effective engagement of a combination of skills and competencies that best match the context of your unique situations. Therefore, there are no right or wrong answers.
In order to access the EQ-i, click http://s.mhs.com/Xw86Cx. You must complete the questions in one sitting or the system will not save your answers and you will need to start over from the beginning.
I look forward to meeting with you, and in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the EQ-i.
Joan H Underwood
Frequently Asked Questions
What have past clients had to say about this coaching package?
Ms Underwood stimulated a level of introspection that positively re-directed my professional and personal focus, and she also encouraged the development of my emotional intelligence and the need to include it in all aspects of my life. I therefore highly recommend her, as her excellent coaching skills will ensure the significant improvement and growth in her coachee's personal and professional life.
[Trina K. Griffith, a participant in Sagicor's leadership development programme]
How do I schedule my appointment?
Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book a time for your appointment.
Can I get a refund if I'm unhappy with my purchase?
Due to the nature of this product and the third party contractual obligations, there is no refund policy. We have been using this assessment almost ten years, and no client has ever indicated disappointment with the product.
Can I purchase coaching more than once?
Absolutely! If you find yourself in need of coaching more than once, simply purchase the coaching again. Since it is possible to grow your emotional intelligence, you may wish to repeat the assessment after you have worked on the targeted areas for at least six months.
In addition to repeating your EQ-i 2.0 assessment, you can purchase additional coaching sessions. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss your specific needs and interests, and we will tailor a proposal for you.